Health And Wellness

Prevention, maintenance, and early detection are key components to sustaining long-term health.

What is health and wellness planning?

A health and wellness plan is a personalized program developed by you and your doctor that’s designed to help you improve and maintain long-term health and wellness. Your doctor uses health and wellness planning to strategically address your health risks and concerns.

By setting short- and long-term goals, a health and wellness plan can help you establish habits and practices that promote good health.

What conditions can be avoided with health and wellness planning?

Your doctor can use health and wellness planning to help you avoid a number of conditions including:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Obesity
  • Hypertension
  • High cholesterol
  • Stroke

Health and wellness strategic planning are essential components of preventive medicine. A personalized health plan can help you reduce or eliminate your risk for certain preventable conditions.

What services can be included in my health and wellness plan?

The services included in your health and wellness strategic plan will depend on your personal health and wellness. Your health and wellness plan can include:

  • Weight loss management
  • Preventive health screenings
  • Diabetes management
  • Chronic disease management
  • Nutrition planning

Each health plan is tailored to the needs of each patient. To develop your plan, your doctor will perform an evaluation of your overall health and wellness. Your doctor can address a number of issues through your plan so feel free to express any concerns you have about your health and wellness.  

What are the components of a health and wellness plan?

A health and wellness plan is designed to provide you with a holistic approach to health and wellness. The components of your health plan include:

Physical health

This aspect of your plan addresses your medical health. Your doctor performs evaluations like blood tests and physical exams to help determine the status of your general health. Your doctor also discusses your fitness goals and lifestyle choices.

Your doctor provides you with a number of recommendations for services like weight loss and fitness programs that are based on your personal health.


Nutrition plays a major role in long-term health and wellness. Nutrition planning can be used to address conditions like diabetes and hypertension. Your doctor discusses your diet and helps you find ways to make improvements that fit your lifestyle. Your doctor might also have you see a nutritionist to develop a nutritional care plan.  

Mental Health and learning

The final component is mental health and learning. Mental health issues can be a major hindrance to living a happy, healthy life. Your doctor discusses your mental health and determines if there is any need for medical intervention.

Many patients benefit from services like psychotherapy as a component of their health and wellness plan.  

What if I have a chronic condition?

If you suffer from a chronic condition like allergies or asthma, your doctor can include methods to control or minimize your condition. Chronic conditions like diabetes can even be reversed through consistent exercise, weight loss, and proper nutrition.

If you’re ready to take an active role in maintaining your health and wellness, book an appointment at Heal 360 Primary & Urgent Care.